Become a CyberShare Participant

How Much is CyberShare?

The investment in your CyberShare membership will help you avoid and mitigate the costs of a breach and more than pay for itself. It is reported that 53% of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses and more than half of all small businesses suffered a breach within the last year. These incidents typically cost businesses $170,000–$300,000. These breaches not only devastate your bottom line, but also impact the trust customers have in your brand. It is critical for small broadband providers to adopt strategies to fight cyberthreats.

Regular Rate for NTCA and RWA members$3,000/year
Nonmember Rate
Nonmembers, please contact us or call (703) 351-2000 to get started.

How to Subscribe

NTCA members:
Your company administrator must log in to NTCA Member Central to complete the CyberShare application.

RWA members:
Contact us or call (703) 351-2019.

Contact us or call (703) 351-2019.